Keynote speakers

EICS 2009 will feature keynote presentations from distinguished researchers Brad Myers and Frank Maurer on topics directly relevant to the program’s theme. Abstracts of their talks are available by following the links below.
Brad A. Myers, Carnegie Mellon University: Engineering More Natural Interactive Programming Systems
Frank Maurer, University of Calgary: Agile Methods and Interaction Design — Friend or Foe?
Note: Full paper presentations are allocated 20–25 minutes plus 5–10 minutes for questions, thirty minutes in total. Late Breaking Results papers are allocated 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
Program at a glance
Tuesday 14 July
- Doctoral consortium. Wean Hall, room 4623.
- Doctoral consortium dinner.
Wednesday 15 July
- Keynote and main technical program. 9 am to 6 pm, Giant Eagle Auditorium, Baker Hall.
- Welcome reception.
Thursday 16 July
- Main technical program. 9 am to 6 pm, Giant Eagle Auditorium, Baker Hall.
- Conference banquet. 7:30 pm, The Church Brew Works.
Friday 17 July
- Keynote and main technical program. 9 am to 5 pm, Giant Eagle Auditorium, Baker Hall.
Wed 15 July
9h00 | Opening |
9h15 | Keynote: Brad Myers • Engineering More Natural Interactive Programming Systems. Session chair: Philip Gray, University of Glasgow |
10h15 | Break |
10h45 | Interactive Systems Architectures 1. Session chair: Philippe Palanque, University of Toulouse |
A Responsibility-Based Pattern Language for Usability-Supporting Architectural Patterns • Bonnie John, Carnegie Mellon University; Len Bass, Software Engineering Institute; Elspeth Golden, Carnegie Mellon University; and Pia Stoll, ABB Corporate Research | |
StateStream: A Developer-Centric Approach Towards Unifying Interaction Models and Architecture • Gerwin de Haan and Frits Post, Delft University of Technology | |
Ontology-based Modularization of User Interfaces • Heiko Paulheim, SAP Research CEC Darmstadt | |
Flexible and Efficient Platform Modeling for Distributed Interactive Systems • Xiao Feng Qiu and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Queen’s University | |
12h15 | Lunch |
13h45 | Evaluation Tools. Session chair: Peter Forbrig, University of Rostock |
Interaction Engineering Using the IVY Tool • José Campos, University of Minho; Michael Harrison, Newcastle University | |
Interactive Usability Instrumentation • Scott Bateman, Carl Gutwin, Nathaniel Osgood and Gordon McCalla, University of Saskatchewan | |
TnToolkit: A Design and Analysis Tool for Ambiguous, QWERTY, and On-Screen Keypads • Steven J. Castellucci and I. Scott MacKenzie, York University | |
A GOMSL Analysis of Semi-Automated Data Entry • Craig Haimson, MITRE; Justin Grossman, United States Department of Defense | |
15h15 | Break |
15h45 | Tutorial 1 |
Bridging the Gulf between Interaction Engineering and Human Reliability Assessment • Michael Harrison, Newcastle University | |
16h45 | Break |
17h00 | Support for Interactive System Engineering. Session chair: Len Bass, Carnegie Mellon University |
A Toolkit for Peer-to-Peer Distributed User Interfaces: Concepts, Implementation, and Applications • Jérémie Melchior, Donatien Grolaux, Jean Vanderdonckt and Peter Van Roy, Université catholique de Louvain | |
An Infrastructure for Experience Centered Agile Prototyping of Ambient Intelligence • José L. Silva and José C. Campos, University of Minho; Michael Harrison, Newcastle University | |
Support for Authoring Service Front-Ends • Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro, and Lucio Davide Spano, CNR-ISTI | |
18h00 | Finish |
TBC | Welcome reception |
Thu 16 July
9h00 | Modelling Interaction. Session chair: Marco Winckler, University of Toulouse |
Social Network Analysis and Interactive Device Design Analysis • Harold Thimbleby and Patrick Oladimeji, Swansea University | |
A Bisimulation-Based Approach to the Analysis of Human-Computer Interaction • Sébastien Combéfis and Charles Pecheur, Université catholique de Louvain | |
Task-Based Design Revisited • Anke Dittmar and Peter Forbrig, University of Rostock | |
Engineering Crowd Interaction Within Smart Environments • Michael Harrison, Newcastle University; Mieke Massink and Diego Latella, ISTI, CNR | |
10h30 | Break |
11h00 | Engineering Mobile & Ubiquitous Systems. Session chair: Fabio Paternò, CNR-ISTI |
AUGUR: Providing Context-Aware Interaction Support • Melanie Hartmann and Daniel Schreiber, TU Darmstadt | |
FRAP: A Framework for Pervasive Games • Jan-Peter Tutzschke, IBM Deutschland; Olaf Zukunft, HAW Hamburg | |
Adapting Ubicomp Software and its Evaluation • Malcolm Hall, Marek Bell, Alistair Morrison, Stuart Reeves, Scott Sherwood and Matthew Chalmers, University of Glasgow | |
Plug-and-Design: Embracing Mobile Devices as Part of the Design Environment • Jan Meskens, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninx, Hasselt University | |
12h30 | Lunch |
14h00 | Tutorial 2 |
The Future of Design Specification and Verification of Safety Critical Interactive Systems. Can our systems be SURE (Safe, Usable, Reliable and Evolvable)? • Philippe Palanque & David Navarre, IHCS-IRIT, Université de Toulouse, France | |
15h00 | Interactive Systems Architectures 2. Session chair: Gaëlle Calvary, University of Grenoble |
Toward User Interface Virtualization: Legacy Applications and Innovative Interaction Systems • Guillaume Besacier, LIMSI and LRI; Frédéric Vernier, LIMSI | |
Edit, Inspect and Connect your Surroundings: A Reference Framework for Meta-UIs • Geert Vanderhulst, Hasselt University; Daniel Schreiber, TU Darmstadt; Kris Luyten, Hasselt University; Max Muhlhauser, TU Darmstadt; Karin Coninx, Hasselt University | |
16h00 | Break |
16h30 | Evaluation in Action. Session chair: Jean Vanderdonckt, Université catholique de Louvain |
How Usable are Operational Digital Libraries – A Usability Evaluation of System Interactions • Xiangmin Zhang and Jingjing Liu, Rutgers University; Yuelin Li, University of Southern Mississippi; Ying Zhang, UC Irvine | |
The Tradeoff between Spatial Jitter and Latency in Pointing Tasks • Andriy Pavlovych and Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, York University | |
Input Evaluation of an Eye-Gaze-Guided Interface: Kalman Filter vs. Velocity Threshold Eye Movement Identification • Do Hyong Koh, Sandeep Munikrishne Gowda and Oleg Komogortsev, Texas State University-San Marcos | |
An Empirical Comparison of “Wiimote” Gun Attachments for Pointing Tasks • Victoria McArthur, Steven J. Castellucci and I. Scott MacKenzie, York University | |
18h00 | Finish |
19h30 | Conference Banquet, The Church Brew Works |
Fri 17 July
9h00 | Keynote: Frank Maurer • Agile Methods and Interaction Design — Friend or Foe? Session chair: Nick Graham, Queen’s University |
10h00 | Break |
10h30 | Improving Interaction Engineering. Session chair: Michael Harrisson, Newcastle University |
A Formal Approach Supporting the Comparative Predictive Assessment of the Interruption-Tolerance of Interactive Systems • Philippe Palanque, Marco Winckler and Jean-François Ladry, University Toulouse 3; Maurice H. ter Beek, Giorgio P. Faconti and Mieke Massink, IST-CNR | |
Contributing to Safety and Due Diligence in Safety-Critical Interactive Systems Development by Generating and Analyzing Finite State Models • Harold Thimbleby, Swansea University | |
Usability Recommendations in the Design of Mixed Interactive Systems • Syrine Charfi and Emmanuel Dubois, IRIT; Dominique L. Scapin, INRIA | |
User Evaluation of OIDE: A Rapid Prototyping Platform for Multimodal Interaction • Marilyn McGee-Lennon, Andrew Ramsay, David McGookin and Philip Gray, University of Glasgow | |
12h00 | Lunch |
13h30 | Tutorial 3 |
The Future of Mobile and Context-Aware Interactive Systems • Gaëlle Calvary and Alexandre Demeure, University of Grenoble, France | |
14h30 | Dynamic Generation of Interactive Systems. Session chair: Daniel Schreiber, TU Darmstadt |
An Open Source Workbench for Prototyping Multimodal Interactions Based on Off-The-Shelf Heterogeneous Components • Jean-Yves L. Lawson, Université catholique de Louvain; Ahmad-Amr Al-Akkad, Fraunhofer FIT; Jean Vanderdonckt and Benoit Macq, Université catholique de Louvain | |
Personalizing Graphical User Interfaces on Flexible Widget Layout • Takuto Yanagida and Hidetoshi Nonaka, Hokkaido University | |
15h30 | Break |
15h45 | Interactive Systems Architectures 3. Session chair: Rick Kazman, Carnegie Mellon University |
GT/SD: Performance and Simplicity in a Groupware Toolkit • Brian de Alwis and Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan; Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary | |
Fiia: User-Centered Development of Adaptive Groupware Systems • Christopher Wolfe and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Queen’s University; W. Greg Phillips, Royal Military College of Canada; Banani Roy, Queen’s University | |
16h45 | Close |
17h00 | Finish |
Adding Fleibility in the Model-Driven Engineering of User Interfaces • Nathalie Aquino, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia |
MoLIC Designer: Towards Computational Support to HCI Design with MoLIC • Ugo Braga and Simone Barbosa, PUC-Rio |
Initial Evaluation of a Bare-Hand Interaction Technique for Large Displays using a Webcam • Kelvin Cheng, NICTA & ViSLAB; Masahiro Takatsuka, The University of Sydney |
Task-Based Design Revisited • Anke Dittmar and Peter Forbrig, University of Rostock |
Semi-Automatic Multimodal User Interface Generation • Dominik Ertl, Vienna University of Technology |
Helping Software Architects Design For Usability • Elspeth Golden, Carnegie Mellon University |
A GOMSL Analysis of Semi-Automated Data Entry • Craig Haimson, MITRE; Justin Grossman, United States Department of Defense |
Managing Non-Native Widgets in Model-Based UI Engineering • Dimitrios Kotsalis, Technological Education Institution of Crete, Greece |
A Framework for Runtime Evaluation, Selection and Creation of Interaction Objects • Tony McBryan and Philip Gray, University of Glasgow |
High Level Data Fusion on a Multimodal Interactive Application Platform • Hildeberto Mendonça, Université catholique de Louvain |
MundoMonkey: Customizing Interaction with Web Applications in Interactive Spaces • Daniel Schreiber, Melanie Hartmann and Max Mühlhäuser, TU Darmstadt |
Model-Driven Approach for User Interface Business Alignment • Kenia Sousa, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium |
Model-Based Development of Synchronous Collaborative User Interfaces • George Vellis, Technological Education Institution of Crete |
A Study of GUI Representation Based on BIFS for Enhanced Mobile TV • Hyun-Jeong Yim and Soon-Bum Lim, Sookmyung Women’s University; Yoon-Chul Choy, Yonsei University |