Latex Instructions for PACM publications (Full Papers and Tech Notes)

If you used the acmart template without making any changes or using only allowed packages, you are almost ready to go. We split the checks between required including information you receive after the acceptance and encouraged, which include points that do not need any action if the template was used without changes.

Required Checks

1. Allowed LaTeX packages

ACM maintains a list of packages that are allowed in the final version of your paper to provide features beyond those included in the standard template. Please check that all extra packages you use are included in the allowed list .

2. Change the document class

For producing the final PDF, you must insert the following options to \documentclass:

3. Add the Copyright Notice

After filling the copyright form you received from, you should have received the copyright commands for replacing the default options in the template. You just need to follow the instructions in the email and, after compiling the PDF, the copyright notice should be correctly displayed in your paper.

4. Check the ACM Reference Format

Your final paper must include the ACM reference format, similar to the image below. It should appear without any action from you, unless you have added the \settopmatter command. If this is the case, please remove it.

ACM Reference Format Example

5. Check the Author’s Addresses

Your final paper must include the the author's address. If not present, you can add it through the \authorsaddresses macro.

Authors Addresses Example

6. Correctly include Authors' information

In the final version of your PDF, every author must be declared separately. For each author, you must specify the email, affiliation and ORCID. Please do not share such declarations between two or more authors.

Each declaration should look as follows, affiliation included:

\author{Donald Duck}
  \institution{Duckburg University}
  \department{Department of Computer Science}

7. Specify a Title and a Short Title (if needed)

Do not include linebreaks in the title. If the title is particularly long, you should use the [short title] parameter of \title macro. This will help you in creating a short version of the title to be displayed on headers as follows:

\title[Aqueous Avian Existence: Hydrodynamic Analysis]{Exploring the Quacktastic Quandaries of Aqueous Avian Existence: An In-Depth Analysis of Hydrodynamic Principles in Donald Duck's World}

8. Check Page Headers

Author names and title should not overlap in the page headers. If they do, please tweak the title macro as discussed in point 7.

9. Include ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) Concepts and Keywords

Your final paper must include the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) Concepts and Keywords. For generating this section, you can use the ACM CCS website.

ACM CCS Example

10. Format Correctly Citations and References

Be sure you are using the \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format} citation style.

11. Use the Correct Environment for the Acknowledgments

(If any) they should be in their un-numbered dedicated top-level section (e.g.: achieved with \begin{acks} ... \end{acks} or by looking at the Bookmarks pane of a PDF reader and identifying the Acknowlegments section without a number).

Acknowledgments Example

12. Embed all Fonts in PDF

Produce a final PDF embedding all fonts used. LaTeX does it by default for the paper text, but if you have PDF images including text, you should check that they embed all fonts too. You can do it using Acrobat Readed, just select File -> Document Properties... -> Fonts. You should read (Embedded Subset) for all listed fonts.

Encouraged Checks

These checks are not required if you used the submission template from the beginning, without changes. Just skim through them to identify if you have something different.

Figures and Tables

They should be properly formatted (captions under the figure, captions over the table, figures and tables that appear to be placed in a single column should not overflow the column margins).

Figures Example Tables Example


(If any) they should be after the references section of the paper. Use the \appendix command to write the appendix.

Appendices Example

Line Spacing

Keep the standard spacing used in ACM publications, otherwise we may ask you to undo those changes.


Paragraphs should be properly formatted (every paragraph’s first line should be indented, except the first one, no blank lines between paragraphs).

Paragraphs Example


Keep the built-in ACM typefaces, without modifying them.


Use the sectioning elements used by ACM templates, without any custom modifications, and if you have modified the document’s section appearances please revert those changes