Word Instructions for Proceedings

(Late Breaking Results, Tutorials, Workshops, Demos and Posters)

The following instructions will help you in formatting the camera-ready version of your paper. Please, read all of them carefully before submitting it.

Process Overview

Getting the paper through TAPS takes some steps, but it allows you to check in detail how your paper will look like.

The following is an overview of the process, with the indication of what to do in case of troubles. Click on it to see it fullscreen.

Required Checks and Actions

1. Fill the ACM E-Rights

We will send the forms to authors by Wednesday 24 April. If you have not received an e-mail from rightsreview@acm.org after this date, check the contact author(s)'s junk or spam email folders and complete the form promptly. If the e-Rights review form can not be located, email proceedings2024@eics.acm.org

2. Check for the email from TAPS

After completing the e-Rights form, you should receive an email from tapsadmin@aptaracorp.awsapps.com with a link through which you can access TAPS in about 12h. If you have not received the email after that time, please check the contact author(s)'s junk or spam email folders.

If the access link is not in the email folder, email proceedings2024@eics.acm.org with your Paper ID, title, and correct contact author's valid email address.

3. Revise the ACM Article Template Instructions

To get your paper through TAPS, it's very important to start with a correct template usage in the initial submission.

Please revise all the instructions you find in the following page provided by ACM: Using the ACM Article Template with MS Word

In particular, Word users must ensure that

  • You need to have started with the "submission" template, attached the "master" template to it, and successfully tagged and linked all citations, references, and links to tables and figures.
  • You must successfully validate your document in Word before submitting to TAPS.
  • You do NOT need to include any rights information in the Word source; TAPS will transfer that information from the rights form you completed to the HTML5 and PDF versions of the article that it generates.

4. Check the submission page limits

You should update your paper according to the reviewer's comment, but please keep the paper in the page limits specific for each track (all page counts refer to the single-column submission format):

5. Check you Paper Metadata and Additional Material

Double-check that your title and abstract fields in the TAPS submission page match the text in your paper.

Be sure that the title is in Initial Caps. Initial Caps Meaning First Letter of the Main Words Should be Made Capital Letters. Capitalize the First Letter of Main Words in the Title (Most Nouns), except a, an, the, conjunctions (and, but, or, for, …), and prepositions (of, to, in, on, …). Insert the author's name, affiliation, and email in the paper.

Be sure that all 3rd party material is properly documented. Please review the copyright policy.

6. Apply Accessibility Guidelines

All of the figures in your article must have descriptive (or "alt-text") text included for accessibility. ("Alt-text" is used by screen reader software.) Once an figure has been added to your article, the descriptive text is added by:

  • right-clicking on the figure, and selecting the "Edit Alt Text" option (Macintosh) or selecting "Format Picture," then the "Layout & Properties" icon, and the "Alt Text" option from there. (Windows)
  • adding one or two sentences that describe the figure. Please see Describing Figures for ACM Publications.

7. Prepare the submission bundle for TAPS

You must prepare a ZIP file containing the following folders:

  • a folder named "source" containing the source of your article (required):
    • a Word document
  • a folder named "pdf" containing a PDF of your article (this is optional)

To deliver the material you have two links:

  • if the ZIP file is less than 10MB in size, use the file uploader on the TAPS page
  • if the ZIP file is 10MB or greater in size, use the FTP link on that page

8. TAPS Validation

After the ZIP uploading, TAPS will try to generate all the material for ACM Digital Library. In case of success, it will provide you with the paper proof to approve.

In case of errors, please read carefully the instructions provided by TAPS. You can find as set of common errors at the bottom of the ACM instructions

Submission Deadlines

Please respect the following deadlines.

  • Initial TAPS submission deadline: April 30
  • Final submission deadline, after addressing TAPS issues: May 8

All dates are Anywhere on Earth. We kindly encourage the authors to start the submission process as soon as possible, to tackle any issue with TAPS well before the final deadline.

Publication in the Proceedings

In order to include your paper in the proceedings of EICS 2024 and to schedule your presentation in the conference program, at least one of the authors MUST register for the conference. Further, at least one author MUST attend the conference to present the work. Make sure to use your institutional email address when registering (the same email address used in your paper). This will help us showcase speaker profiles alongside their paper in the conference platform.

Proceedings Chairs

Valentino Artizzu, University of Cagliari, Italy (proceedings2024@eics.acm.org)

Alpay Sabancuoglu, The Alan Turing Institute, London (proceedings2024@eics.acm.org)

Mina Alipour, University of Southern Denmark (proceedings2024@eics.acm.org)