Call for Workshop Proposals (Open call: You can submit now until March 17th 2023)
The Workshops Track of EICS offers the opportunity to organize specialized forums alongside the main conference and attract the attention of participants to emerging and trendy topics of research related to the engineering of interactive computing systems.
In addition to traditional workshops with paper presentations, we welcome innovative workshop formats including design and experience workshops (where participants design and/or evaluate artifacts), interactive sessions based on collaborative work, etc.
Workshops durations can be suggested by the organizers (half-day or full-day).
EICS 2023 focuses on models, languages, notations, methods, techniques and tools that support designing and developing interactive systems. The Conference brings together people who study or practice the engineering of interactive systems, drawing from HCI, Software Engineering, Formal Methods, Requirements Engineering, Conceptual Modelling, CSCW, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Systems.
Workshop proposals should be no longer than 5 pages (new ACM Master template, use the manuscript option) and must include a description of:
- Background: The workshop aims and goals;
- The target audience: their expected background, their level of knowledge in the workshops themes and the expected number of participants;
- Pre-Workshop Plans: State your plans for recruiting attendees to your workshop and workshop community building (e.g. through a website or other communication with potential participants). Make also explicit what is expected from attendees in terms of submissions (format, lengths) and the timeline for the workshop (submission deadline, notification to authors, final program, …).
- Workshop Structure: Explain in detail the workshop structure & format, including activities, timing, and resources. If you are planning an hybrid event, address how to run the workshop online and how to keep the audience engaged during the envisioned duration of your workshop;
- Any operational requirements: needs for specific equipment or space layout would the workshop be accepted;
- The advertising plan, including details of the planned website, distribution to mailing lists, invitations to attendees of previous workshops/conferences on similar topics;
- Post-Workshop Plans: The workshop output dissemination plan concerns the publication of the contributions presented during the workshops in a common volume for all the EICS 2023 accepted workshops. The current plan is to publish all the accepted material in workshops as an LNCS volume published by Springer. The format of the paper in this volume is available here . The papers submitted to the workshops will thus have the opportunity to be revised in the light of reviewers comments and of the workshop discussion.
If workshop organizers don’t want to benefit from this opportunity, they should inform us at submissions time. - Organizers: The organizers’ short bio, including the main contact person and their expertise in organizing workshops in general and their expertise on the topics of the workshop.
Workshop organizers will get the opportunity to present the work they cover and the results of their workshop as posters at the main EICS 2023 conference to maximize their impact (meaning workshop participants have the possibility to create a poster and present it as part of the main conference). Notice that workshop proposals are juried. Criteria selection include the relevance of the workshop topics and goals to EICS, scientific background and experience of the workshop’s organizers in organizing events, advertising and dissemination plan.
Examples of workshops run at previous EICS can be found at:
Registration Policy
- To participate in a workshop, attendees and organizers need to register for the workshops but not for the main conference.
- Workshops with 5 or less attendees will be canceled.
- The organization offers one free registration to the workshops day for one workshop organizer every group of 8 attendees registered.
- The organization offers one free registration for the workshops day + the main conference to one workshop organizer every group of 12 attendees registered.
Submission Information
Submissions to EICS 2023 workshops is open as of now.
Feedback to proposers will be sent within a month following the submission
Submissions can be done through (SIGCHI | EICS 2023)
Important dates
17/03/2023 - Submission deadline
31/03/2023 - Extended Submission deadline
08/04/2023 - Notifications
29/04/2023 – Camera Ready Description of Workshops
02/06/2023 - Submission of papers to workshops
09/06/2023 - Notification to authors
16/06/2023 - Deadline for registration to the workshops
16/06/2023 - Final program for workshops
27/06/2023 - Workshop day
DC chairs
Philippe Palanque - Université Toulouse 3, France
Albrecht Schmidt - LMU Munich, Germany
Enes Yigitbas - University of Paderborn, Germany
Nicholas Micallef - Swansea University, UK