Important Dates

All the dates are AoE

EICS Doctoral Consortium

  • April 4, 2025:Submission deadline
  • May 7, 2025:Notifications
  • After the conf:Camera ready

Call for Doctoral Consortium

The EICS 2025 Doctoral Consortium (DC) invites submissions by PhD students working on foundations, techniques, tools and studies in the Human-Computer Interaction Engineering field. The DC provides an opportunity for doctoral students to present their research goals as well as intermediate results, and to discuss them with leading experts in the field as well as with peers. Students can be in intermediate or advanced stages of their research, but should not have completed their work yet, and should thus be able to benefit from constructive feedback given at the DC. The goals of the Doctoral Consortium are to provide PhD students with the opportunity to:

  • Receive constructive feedback and advice on their research,
  • Connect with experts in Human-Computer Interaction Engineering and related fields,
  • Network with other PhD students, exchanging ideas and building valuable connections,
  • Discuss concerns about research, supervision, job market, and other career-related issues,
  • Present their work at the EICS 2025 conference.

Submission Requirements

A submission consists of a short paper (from 4 to 6 pages excluding references) following Springer’s LNCS format (see section on Submission Format and Citations below), a free-form CV of the PhD candidate and a draft poster (free format, final format to be announced later). Submission deadline: all submissions must be received by April 4 AoE (upload your submission to, in the DC track). Notifications will be sent by May 7.

The submission should not be anonymous and must:

  • identify a significant problem in Human-Computer Interaction Engineering and related fields,
  • outline the current status of the problem domain and related solutions (main related works),
  • clearly formulate the research questions,
  • describe the research methodology applied or planned to answer the research questions
  • present clearly (preliminary) ideas, the proposed concrete approach and the results achieved so far,
  • make explicit the current status of the doctoral work (e.g. when research started, how long to reach the end, papers already accepted),
  • outline the expected contributions to the problem domain and highlight their uniqueness.

Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the Doctoral Consortium Program Committee. The main evaluation criteria are: relevance, originality, and methodological and technical soundness of the approach, as well as the quality of writing.

Accepted submissions will have the opportunity to present their work in the Doctoral Consortium. In addition to the DC chairs, additional leading experts will be invited to the DC to discuss the participants' research. Following the conference, participants can submit a camera-ready version (deadline TBC) after refining their paper based on feedback received during the consortium. Revised DC accepted papers will be published in a proceedings that is under negotiation. This will not be automatic and will be arranged in agreement with the authors, for example student and supervisor.

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Submission Format and Citations

Submission should be written using the Springer LNCS format. Instructions and templates available at proceedings guidelines.

An Overleaf Template is available here.

Authors are kindly requested to include references reporting the correct publication to facilitate the citation indexing, in particular for conferences publishing papers on journals such as PACM. For instance, a (fictional) full paper presented at EICS 2023 should be referenced as follows:

John Doe, Jane Smith. 2023. Enhancing User Experience in Interactive Systems. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 7, EICS, Article 123 (jun 2023), 16 pages,

Please do not refer to the paper as follows:

John Doe, Jane Smith. 2023. Enhancing User Experience in Interactive Systems. In Proc. of the 15th Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2023), 16 pages,

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For questions regarding your Doctoral Consortium proposal, please reach out to the chairs at

Jürgen Ziegler - University of Duisburg-Essen
Sapna Jaidka - University of Waikato
Tilo Mentler - Trier University of Applied Science

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