Program EICS 2021
Timezone: CEST
Tuesday June 8 |
Wednesday June 9 |
Thursday June 10 |
Friday June 11 |
Workshops and Tutorials |
Main Program |
Main Program |
Main Program |
09:00-10:00 |
Workshop 1 The Management of Risks and Benefits when Engineering Interactive Digital Systems |
Tutorial Task Models Based Engineering of Interactive Systems
Welcome to EICS 2021 Keynote Lecture 1 Designing Computational Tools for Behavioral and Clinical Science |
Papers 4042 |
Papers |
Papers |
LBW TechNotes |
10:15-11:15 |
Papers |
Papers |
Papers |
Papers |
Papers |
LBW TechNotes |
11:30-12:30 |
Papers |
Papers |
Panel Design of Humane AI systems |
Closing & Announcements |
13:15-14:15 |
Workshop 2 CHIIoT 2: 2nd Workshop on Computer Human Interaction in IoT Applications |
Papers |
Papers |
Papers |
14:45-15:45 |
16:00-17:00 |
Keynote Lecture 2 Finding and Fixing Design Debt |
Tuesday, June 8
Workshops and Tutorials |
09:00-10:00 |
Workshop 1 The Management of Risks and Benefits when Engineering Interactive Digital Systems José Creissac Campos, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Jan van den Bergh, Lucio Davide Spano |
Tutorial Task Models Based Engineering of Interactive Systems Célia Martinie & Philippe Palanque |
10:15-11:15 |
11:30-12:30 |
13:15-14:15 |
Workshop 2 CHIIoT 2: 2nd Workshop on Computer Human Interaction in IoT Applications Rong-Hao Liang, Alessandro Chiumento, Marco Zuniga, Przemyslaw Pawelczak, Mathias Funk, Yaliang Chuang, Joep Frens |
14:45-15:45 |
16:00-17:00 |
Wednesday, June 9
Main Program |
09:00-10:00 |
Welcome to EICS 2021
Keynote Lecture Designing Computational Tools for Behavioral and Clinical Science Albert Ali Salah
10:15-11:15 |
Papers 9562 - A Surgical Scene Replay System for Learning Gastroenterological Endoscopic Surgery Skill by Multiple Synchronized-Video and Gaze Representation 7439 - M[eye]cro: Eye-gaze+Microgestures for Multitasking and Interruptions 3095 - Gestatten: Estimation of User's Attention in Mobile MOOCs From Eye Gaze and Gaze Gesture Tracking
Papers 2850 - OpenUIDL, a User Interface Description Language for Runtime Omni-Channel User Interfaces 5376 - Engineering Slidable Graphical User Interfaces with Slime 4730 - Grid-based Genetic Operators for Graphical Layout Generation
11:30-12:30 |
Papers 9917 - Dynamic Task Allocation based on Individual Abilities - Experiences from Developing and Operating an Inclusive Assembly Line for Workers With and Without Disabilities 4716 - Breaking the Accessibility Barrier in Non-Visual Interaction with PDF Forms 8032 - Flexible Automatic Support for Web Accessibility Validation
Papers 2639 - EMBody: A Data-Centric Toolkit for EMG-Based Interface Prototyping and Experimentation 9966 - UiLab, a Workbench for Conducting and Reproducing Experiments in GUI Visual Design 3379 - Guided Exploration: A Method for Guiding Novice Users in Interactive Memory Monitoring Tools
13:15-14:15 |
Papers 9496 - Coping with diversity - A system for end-users to customize web user interfaces 2086 - Responsive and Personalized Web Designs with Integer Programming 7112 - CrowdUI: Supporting Web Design with the Crowd
Papers 1224 - VizSciFlow: A Visually Guided Scripting Framework for Supporting Complex Scientific Data Analysis 8684 - UX-Painter: an Approach to Explore Interaction Fixes in the Browser 3650 - WProfX: A Fine-grained Visualization Tool for Web Page Loads
14:45-15:45 |
LBW 2021-1023 - Using Augmented Reality for Enhancing Planning and Measurements in the Scaffolding Business 2021-1021 - MR4ISL: A Mixed Reality System for Psychological Experiments Focused on Social Learning and Social Interactions 2021-1005 - Designing Individualised Virtual Reality Applications for Supporting Depression: A Feasibility Study 2020-1023 - Development Framework for Context-Aware Augmented Reality Applications Sarah Krings, Enes Yigitbas, Ivan Jovanovikj, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels
LBW 2020-1021- A pen user interface for controlling a virtual puppet 2020-1012 - Closed Loop Feedback Nudges Using Nerve Stimulation
16:00-17:00 |
Thursday, June 10
Main Program |
09:00-10:00 |
Papers 4042 - Model-based Testing of Interactive Systems using Interaction Sequences 6701- Exploring Button Designs for Mid-air Interaction in Virtual Reality: A Hexa-metric Evaluation of Key Representations and Multi-modal Cues 7918- Press-n-Paste: Copy-and-Paste Operations with Pressure-sensitive Caret Navigation for Miniaturized Surface in Mobile Augmented Reality
Papers 1397- Psychophysiological modeling of trust in technology: Influence of feature selection methods 2368 - Task Modelling for Interactive System Design: A Survey of Historical Trends, Gaps and Future Needs 7504 - Ensuring the Consistency between User Requirements and Task Models: A Behavior-Based Automated Approach
10:15-11:15 |
Papers 8357 - Odin's Helmet: A Head-Worn Haptic Feedback Device to Simulate G-Forces on the Human Body in Virtual Reality 8550 - Designing Mid-Air Haptic Gesture Controlled User Interfaces for Cars 6889 - SketchADoodle: Touch-surface Multi-stroke Gesture Handling Bézier Curves
Papers 8619 - Engineering Model-Based Software Testing of WIMP Interactive Applications: A Process based on Formal Models and the SQUAMATA Tool 4946 - DG3: Exploiting Gesture Declarative Models for Sample Generation and Online Recognition
11:30-12:30 |
Panel Design of Humane AI Systems Moderator: Boris de Ruyter, Philips Research Europe, The Netherlands Panelists:
13:15-14:35 |
Papers 7912 - Towards a Reliable Ground Truth for Drowsiness: A Complexity Analysis on the Example of Driver Drowsiness 5339 - Evaluating an Interactive Memory Analysis Tool: Findings from a Cognitive Walkthrough and a User Study 6668 - Designers, the Stage Is Yours! Medium-Fidelity Prototyping of Augmented & Virtual Reality Interfaces with 360theater 9637 - Toward Accurate Sensing with Knitted Fabric: Applications and Technical Considerations Ends at 14:35
14:45-15:45 |
LBW 2021-1010 - Playbook: An Animation-Based Game for Improving Children’s Creativity and Problem Solving Skills 2020-1020 - The Foldinterface Editor: A Visual Tool for Designing User Interfaces for Foldable Displays 2020-1010 - Meta-Level Support for Facilitating Participation in Website (Re-)Design Activities End at 15:30
LBW 2020-1009 - Computing Aesthetics of Concrete User Interfaces 2020-1017 - Recognizing a Sketched Task Model by Multi-Stroke Gesture Recognition 2020-1016 - Model Voyager: Visualization of CRF UI Models 2021-1015 - On Computational Notebooks to Empower Physical Computing Novices
16:00-17:00 |
Keynote Lecture Finding and Fixing Design Debt [Keynote Slides] Rick Kazman
Friday, June 11
Main Program |
09:00-10:00 |
Papers 7978 - LanguageLogger: A Mobile Keyboard Application for Studying Language Use in Everyday Text Communication in the Wild 6595 - JustSpeak: Automated, User-Configurable, Interactive Agents for Speech Tutoring 3601 - Designing for Recommending Intermediate States in A Scientific Workflow Management System
LBW 2020-1011 - SeqCheck: A Model Checking Tool for Interactive Systems Tech Notes ActuBoard: An Open Rapid Prototyping Platform to integrate Hardware Actuators in Remote Applications Computational Framework to support Development of Applications Running on Multiple Co-located Devices A software toolbox for deploying deep learning decision support systems with XAI capabilities
10:15-11:15 |
2842 - Molecular HCI: Structuring the cross-disciplinary space of modular shape-changing user interfaces
LBW 2020-1014 - How many Steps to represent Individual Gait? Tech Notes Applying Long-Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks for Real-Time Partial Stroke Recognition Featuring Dual Learning Experiences in Tangible CPS Education Engineering the Interaction of a Humanoid Robot Pepper with Post-Stroke Patient During Training Tasks
11:30-12:30 |
EICS 2021 Closing Announcement of EICS 2021 Best Paper Award EICS 2021 Closing EICS 2022 Announcement |