Technical Sessions
List of all papers to be presented. Detailed schedule available.
PACM-HCI full papers (EICS series), presented at the conference
Augmented Reality Supported Modeling of Industrial Systems to Infer Software Configuration
Digital Human Models in Human Factors and Ergonomics Evaluation of Gesture Interfaces
XD-AR: Challenges and Opportunities in Cross-Device Augmented Reality Application Development
Using TEMPEST: End-User Programming of Web-Based Ecological Momentary Assessment Protocols
Web5VR: A Flexible Framework for Integrating Virtual Reality Input and Output Devices on the Web
360Anywhere: Mobile Ad-hoc Collaboration in Any Environment using 360 Video and Augmented Reality
KAVE: A Kinect Based Open-Source Unity Plugin for CAVE Automatic Virtual Environments with Full Body Interaction
The TUIO 2.0 Protocol: An Abstraction Framework for Tangible Interactive Surfaces
Assessing the Cognitive Demand of Assistive Systems at Assembly Workplaces using Electroencephalography
Djnn/Smala: a conceptual framework and a language for interaction-oriented programming
G-Gene: A Gene Alignment Method for Online Partial Stroke Gestures Recognition
MDE in Support of Visualization Systems Design, a Multi-Staged Approach Tailored for Multiple Roles
Real-Time Anomaly Detection in Elderly Behavior with the Support of Task Models
pix2code: Generating Code from a Graphical User Interface Screenshot
TOUCAN: An IDE Supporting the Development of Effective Interactive Java Applications
A Textual Domain Specific Language for Task Models - Generating Code for CoTaL, CTTE, and HAMSTERS
Late-Breaking Results
Method to Define User Interfaces in the Requirements Analysis Phase
Test Stub Generation from Interaction and Behavioural Models
Simulating Interaction Sequences
Modeling and Analysis of Human Memory Load in Multitasking Scenarios
Combining Design-time Generation of Web-pages with Responsive Design for Improving Low-vision Accessibility
The MAL Interactors Animator: Supporting model validation through animation
Alice: design of a Time-oriented Collaboration Service for Design Teams
UP!, Engineering Persuasive Interactive Systems