Tutorials Submissions
EICS’19 invites proposals for tutorials on challenging topics of interactive systems engineering. Tutorials should aim at offering new insights, knowledge, and skills to managers, teachers, researchers, and students to explore innovative trends and to learn new techniques from experts in the field. Tutorials are intended to provide a broad overview of a topic beyond a regular paper presentation.
Potential presenters should keep in mind that there may be quite a varied audience, including novice graduate students, seasoned practitioners, and specialized researchers. Each tutorial proposal will be evaluated on its anticipated benefit for prospective participants and its fit within the tutorial program as a whole. Other factors to be considered include relevance to practice and to research, timeliness, importance, and audience appeal, as well as past experience and qualifications of the instructors.
Tutorial submissions
Please submit tutorial proposals by email to tutorials2019@eics.acm.org.
There will be both full-day and half-day (morning or afternoon) tutorials at EICS’19.
The proposal should include a two-page description of the proposed tutorial, accompanied by additional information on the proposers’ background and three sample slides from the presentation that you would give if your tutorial were accepted (to be submitted in a separate PDF file). The two-page description should contain the following information:
- Format of the tutorial: full-day or half-day.
- Title and abstract: Propose a title and an abstract that allows conference attendees to quickly and accurately understand the subject matter of the tutorial.
- Aim and objectives: The overall aim of the tutorial and the concrete objectives to be achieved. Explain why your topic is important to the EICS community and what you hope the participants will learn by attending your tutorial.
- Intended target audience: level (basic or advanced), and possible prerequisites.
- Basic structure and schedule: Please describe the planned structure of your proposed tutorial together with a rough schedule.
- Teaching method: Please explain the teaching method(s) that you will use in your tutorial.
- Operational requirements: Please specify any requirements for your presentation apart from a PC projector (e.g., overhead transparency projector, audio equipment).
- References: Please provide references to papers, books, etc. that your tutorial builds on.
- Past experience with the tutorial: Has it be given before? How was the attendance and feedback? What is different as compared to previous versions?
Registration for one speaker per tutorials will be free.
Important Dates
- Submission:
March 18, 2019 (5 PM CET)Extension to April 07th, 2019 (5 PM CET) - Notification: April 22, 2019