The 11th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems

18-21 June, 2019 - Valencia, Spain


Workshops Submissions

The workshops track offers the opportunity to organize specialized forums along the EICS 2019 conference and attract the attention of participants to emerging and trendy topics of research. In addition to traditional workshop proposals with paper presentations, we welcome innovative workshops formats including design and experience workshops (where participants design and/or evaluate artifacts), interactive sessions based on collaborative work, etc. Workshops can be half-day or full-day.

Workshop proposals should feature 2 pages (ACM SIGCHI format) and include a description of:
  • The workshop aims and goals.
  • The format of the workshop and duration.
  • The target audience.
  • The organizers’ background, or short bio.
  • Any operational requirement.
  • The dissemination plan. The default dissemination plan for EICS is to publish workshops contribution as part of the extended proceedings. Nonetheless, workshop organizers are allowed to decided otherwise. Please inform in the dissemination plan whether you accept to have contributions published as part of the extended proceedings or, otherwise, what is your plan (e.g., publication of proceedings, organization of journal special issue, video report, blog, etc.). We suggest organizers to consider to submit the outcome of their workshops for publication to Springer HCIS, either as a full volume or as a brief. Other means like CEUR workshop proceedings, Open Science Framework (OSF), etc. are also suitable venues.
  • Draft of the call for contributions to the workshop and list of channels for advertising the call.

Workshop participants will get the opportunity to present the work they cover and results as posters at the main EICS conference to maximize their impact (meaning workshop participants have the possibility to create a poster and present it as part of the main conference). Notice that workshop proposals are juried. Criteria selection include the relevance of the workshop topics and goals, scientific background and experience of the workshop’s organizers in organizing events, dissemination plan.

Examples of workshops run at previous EICS can be found at and

Please submit your proposals by email to

Important Dates

  • Submission: January 18st, 2019
  • Notification: February 2th, 2019
  • Papers submission of each workshop: April 5th, 2019 Extension to April 15, 2019 (5 PM CET)
  • Papers notification of each workshop: May 3rd, 2019
  • Camera Ready of each workshop: May 17th, 2019

Workshop Chairs

  • Damiano Distante (University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza, Italy)
  • Marco Winckler (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France)

Workshop proceedings

All workshops proceedings will be published in a Springer book by default (subject to Springer acceptance), HCIS ( and Briefs ( In case any workshop organizer would like to publish her/his proceedings in another format, she/he must specify the details in the dissemination plan. Workshop organizers have the chance of publishing a summary of the results of the workshop as a TechNote paper in the main conference.

Registrarion Policy

  • Workshops with 5 or less attendees will be cancelled.
  • The organization offers one free registration to the workshops day for one workshop organizer every group of 8 attendees registered.
  • The organization offers one free registration for the workshops day + the main conference to one workshop organizer every group of 12 attendees registered.

List of Workshops

List of accepted Workshops