EICS 2024 Schedule

  • 8:00


  • 11:00

    Coffee Break

  • 11:30
    Aula B


    Experience 2.0 and Beyond – Engineering Cross Devices and Multiple Realities

    Gerrit van der Veer, Shah Rukh, Vera Marie Memmesheimer, Achim Ebert.

  • 11:30
    Aula Presidenza


    Second Workshop on Engineering Interactive Systems Embedding AI Technologies

    Alan Dix, Kris Luyten, Sven Mayer, Philippe Palanque, Emanuele Panizzi, Lucio Davide Spano, Jürgen Ziegler .

  • 11:30
    Aula A


    Beyond Radar Waves: The First Workshop on Radar-Based Interaction

    Klen Čopič Pucihar, Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Francesca Meneghello, Dariush Salami, Arthur Sluÿters.

  • 13:00


  • 14:00
    Aula B


    Experience 2.0 and Beyond – Engineering Cross Devices and Multiple Realities

    Gerrit van der Veer, Shah Rukh, Vera Marie Memmesheimer, Achim Ebert.

  • 14:00
    Aula Presidenza


    Second Workshop on Engineering Interactive Systems Embedding AI Technologies

    Alan Dix, Kris Luyten, Sven Mayer, Philippe Palanque, Emanuele Panizzi, Lucio Davide Spano, Jürgen Ziegler .

  • 14:00
    Aula A


    Beyond Radar Waves: The First Workshop on Radar-Based Interaction

    Klen Čopič Pucihar, Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Francesca Meneghello, Dariush Salami, Arthur Sluÿters.

  • 16:30

    Coffee Break

  • 17:00
    Aula B


    Experience 2.0 and Beyond – Engineering Cross Devices and Multiple Realities

    Gerrit van der Veer, Shah Rukh, Vera Marie Memmesheimer, Achim Ebert.

  • 17:00
    Aula Presidenza


    Second Workshop on Engineering Interactive Systems Embedding AI Technologies

    Alan Dix, Kris Luyten, Sven Mayer, Philippe Palanque, Emanuele Panizzi, Lucio Davide Spano, Jürgen Ziegler .

  • 17:00
    Aula A


    Beyond Radar Waves: The First Workshop on Radar-Based Interaction

    Klen Čopič Pucihar, Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Francesca Meneghello, Dariush Salami, Arthur Sluÿters.

  • June 26, Main Conference

    Location: Engineering Department, Via Marengo 2

  • 8:00


  • 9:00

    Welcome and Opening

  • 09:15
  • 10:30

    Coffee Break

  • 11:00
    Paper Session 1

    Virtual, Augmented and eXtended Reality

    Chair: Benjamin Weyers

  • 11:00

    Does the Medium Matter? A Comparison of Augmented Reality Media in Instructing Novices to Perform Complex, Skill-Based Manual Tasks

    Hitesh Dhiman, Carsten Röcker.

  • 11:20

    VR-based Competence Training at Scale: Teaching Clinical Skills in the Context of Virtual Brain Death Examination.

    Pascal Kockwelp, Marcel Meyerheim, Dimitar Valkov, Marvin Mergen, Anna Junga, Antonio Krüger, Bernhard Marschall, Markus Holling, Benjamin Risse.

  • 11:40

    ViRgilites: Multilevel Feedforward for Multimodal Interaction in VR.

    Valentino Artizzu, Kris Luyten, Gustavo Alberto Rovelo Ruiz, Lucio Davide Spano

  • 12:00

    Integration of Extended Reality with a Cyber-Physical Factory Environment and its Digital Twins.

    Marco Emporio, Ariel Caputo, Deborah Pintani, Dong Seon Cheng, Thomas De Marchi, Gianmaria Forte, Franco Fummi, Andrea Giachetti

  • 12:20
    DC Session 1

    Doctoral Consortium Session

    Chair: Davide Spano

  • 12:20

    Multi-Modal End User Development for Humanoid Robots in Smart Spaces.

    Giacomo Vaiani

  • 12:30

    Accessible Telerobotics Using Virtual Reality and Intelligible Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales.

    Dries Cardinaels

  • 12:40

    Lunch and Poster Rotation 1


    Engineering User Interfaces for Tailored and Monitored Movement Rehabilitation Programs
    Corentin Reuther, Gerry Longfils, Rosny Anderson Fodja Kouanga, Maxime André, Bruno Dumas


    GraDVis: A Visualization Tool for a Visual Data Management System
    Jarrett Zapata, Syed Ferhan Haider, Ragaad Al-Tarawneh, Shah Rukh Humayoun


    Using LLMs to enhance end-user development support in XR
    Jacopo Mereu


    3D Gaussian Splatting meets Environment Maps: a hybrid approach for outside real-time scene rendering in Virtual Reality
    Deborah Pintani


    Generating Synthetic Touchscreen Gestures
    Marvin Bachert


    Speculative Design and Entanglement Theories in Information Systems Design
    Marcelo Soares Loufti

  • 14:00
    Paper Session 2

    Programming Support

    Chair: Carl Gutwin

  • 14:00

    Significant Productivity Gains through Programming with Large Language Models

    Thomas Weber, Maximilian Brandmaier, Albrecht Schmidt, Sven Mayer

  • 14:20

    Evaluation of Code Generation for Simulating Participant Behavior in Experience Sampling Method by Iterative In-Context Learning of a Large Language Model

    Alireza Khanshan, Pieter Van Gorp, Panos Markopoulos

  • 14:40

    Inline Visualization and Manipulation of Real-Time Hardware Log for Supporting Debugging of Embedded Programs

    Andrea Bianchi, Zhi Lin Yap, Punn Lertjaturaphat, Austin Henley, Kongpyung (Justin) Moon, Yoonji Kim

  • 15:00

    Extending Jupyter with Multi-Paradigm Editors

    Thomas Weber, Janina Ehe, Sven Mayer

  • 15:20
    DC Session 2

    Doctoral Consortium Session

    Chair: Fabio Paternò

  • 15:20

    Personal Matters: Designing Personalized Care Pathways Using Data-enabled Design Capabilities.

    Peter Lovei

  • 15:30

    Model-based engineering of interactive rehabilitation: integrating tasks and devices using generic HW/SW architecture at runtime.

    Axel Carayon

  • 15:40

    Coffee Break

  • 16:15
    Paper Session 3

    UI Evaluation and End-User Driven Generation

    Chair: Peter Forbrig

  • 16:15

    ROVER: A Standalone Overlay Tool for Questionnaires in Virtual Reality

    Lucas Küntzer, Sandra U. Schwab, Heike Spaderna, Georg Rock

  • 16:25

    Usability inspections based on heuristics: towards a state of practices and requirements for support

    Eliott Dutronc, Sybille Caffiau, Sophie Dupuy-Chessa

  • 16:35

    User Interface Evaluation Through Implicit-Association Tests

    Andy Cockburn, Declan Hills, Zhe Chen, Carl Gutwin

  • 16:55

    Towards a Framework for Evaluating Synthetic Surface Gestures

    Marvin Bachert, Marc Hesenius

  • 17:05

    Towards End-User-Driven Generation of IoT Applications

    Audrey Sanctorum, Brenda Ordoñez Lujan

  • 17:15 Doctoral Consortium

    Doctoral Consortium Workshop - part 1

    DC students and mentors only

  • 18:15

    End of Sessions

  • June 27, Main Conference

    Location: Engineering Department, Via Marengo 2

  • 8:30


  • 09:00

    Mid Keynote: Patrick Baudisch

    About 1, 10, and 100 person year-projects

  • 10:30

    Coffee Break

  • 11:00
    Paper Session 4

    Engineering Interaction

    Chair: Judy Bowen

  • 11:00

    Development and Usability Evaluation of Transitional Cross-Reality Interfaces

    Leonard Schmidt, Enes Yigitbas

  • 11:20

    A Type System for Flexible User Interactions Handling

    Arnaud Blouin

  • 11:40

    Beyond Prototyping: A Systematic Process to Engineer Dependable Integration of Frame-based Input Devices in a Multimodal Input Chain.

    Carayon Axel, Eric Barboni, Célia Martinie, Philippe Palanque, Sandra Steere

  • 12:00

    Engineering Touchscreen Input for 3-Way Displays

    Jean Vanderdonckt, Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Arthur Sluÿters

  • 12:10

    Exploiting Semantic Search and Object-Oriented Programming to Ease Multimodal Interface Development

    Thibaut Septon, Santiago Villarreal-Narvaez, Xavier Devroey, Bruno Dumas

  • 12:20
    DC Session 3

    Doctoral Consortium Session

    Chair: German Leiva

  • 12:20

    Using LLMs to enhance end-user development support in XR

    Jacopo Mereu

  • 12:30

    3D Gaussian Splatting meets Environment Maps: a hybrid approach for outside real-time scene rendering in Virtual Reality

    Deborah Pintani

  • 12:40

    Lunch and Poster Rotation 2

    Presenters will be announced after DC notifications


    A Visual Analytics Tool to Explore Multi-Classification Model with High Number of Classes
    Syed Ahsan Ali Dilawer, Shah Rukh Humayoun


    Direct Feedforward Techniques for the ViRgilites System
    Valentino Artizzu, Kris Luyten, Gustavo Alberto Rovelo Ruiz, Lucio Davide Spano


    Multi-Modal End User Development for Humanoids Robots in Smart Spaces
    Giacomo Vaiani


    Accessible Telerobotics Using Virtual Reality and Intelligible Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales
    Dries Cardinaels


    Personal Matters: Designing Personalised Care Pathways Using Data-enabled Design Capabilities
    Peter Lovei


    Model-based engineering of interactive rehabilitation: integrating tasks and devices using generic HW/SW architecture at runtime.
    Axel Carayon

  • 14:00

    50 years of Research in Engineering Interactive Computing Systems: the CLL 1974 to EICS 2024 journey

    Panellists: José Creissac Campos, Kris Luyten, Laurence Nigay, Philippe Palanque, Fabio Paternò, Jean Vanderdonckt
    Moderator: Davide Spano

  • 15:00
    Paper Session 5


    Chair: Laurence Nigay

  • 15:00

    TARPS: A Toolbox for Enhancing Privacy and Security for Collaborative AR

    Sarah Claudia Krings, Enes Yigitbas

  • 15:20

    Supporting Mixed-Presence Awareness across Wall-Sized Displays Using a Tracking Pipeline based on Depth Cameras

    Adrien Coppens, Johannes Hermen, Lou Schwartz, Christian Moll, Valérie Maquil

  • 15:40
    DC Session 4

    Doctoral Consortium Session

    Chair: Laurence Nigay

  • 15:40

    Generating Synthetic Touchscreen Gestures

    Marvin Bachert

  • 15:50

    Speculative Design and Entanglement Theories in Information Systems Design

    Marcelo Soares Loufti

  • 16:00

    Coffee Break

  • 16:30
    Paper Session 6

    Usability and Beyond

    Chair: Luciana Zaina

  • 16:30

    Immersive Analytics: The Influence of Flow, Sense of Agency, and Presence on Performance and Satisfaction

    Jan Philipp Gründling, Benjamin Weyers

  • 16:50

    Having Difficulty Understanding Manuals? Automatically Converting User Manuals into Instructional Videos

    Songsong Liu, Shu Wang, Kun Sun

  • 17:10

    All in One Place: Ensuring Usable Access to Online Shopping Items for Blind Users

    Yash Prakash, Akshay Kolgar Nayak, Mohan Sunkara, Sampath Jayarathna, Hae-Na Lee, Vikas Ashok

  • 17:30

    User Performance Modelling for Spatial Entities Comparison with Geodashboards: Using View Quality and Distractor as Concepts

    Simon Meißner, Auriol Degbelo

  • 17:40
    Doctoral Consortium

    Doctoral Consortium Workshop - part 2

    DC students and mentors only

  • 18:40

    End of Sessions

  • 20:00
  • June 28, Main Conference

    Location: Engineering Department, Via Marengo 2

  • 09:00

    Closing Keynote: Cristina Conati

    AI-Driven Personalization to Support Human-AI Collaboration

  • 10:30

    Coffee Break

  • 11:00
    Paper Session 7

    Human Robot Interaction

    Chair: Vivian Genaro Motti

  • 11:00

    Design Goals for End-User Development of Robot-Assisted Physical Training Activities: A Participatory Design Study

    Jose Pablo De la Rosa Gutierrez, Thiago Rocha Silva, Yvonne Dittrich, Anders Stengaard Sørensen

  • 11:20

    End-User Development for Human-Robot Interaction: Results and Trends in an Emerging Field

    Giacomo Vaiani, Fabio Paternò

  • 11:40

    AdaptiX - A Transitional XR Framework for Development and Evaluation of Shared Control Applications in Assistive Robotics

    Max Pascher, Felix Ferdinand Goldau, Kirill Kronhardt, Udo Frese, Jens Gerken

  • 12:00

    Prototyping a Zoomorphic Interactive Robot Companion with Emotion Recognition and Affective Voice Interaction for Elderly People

    Benjamin Lukas Schnitzer, Umut Can Vural, Bastian Schnitzer, Muhammad Usman Sardar, Oren Fuerst, Oliver Korn

  • 12:20


  • 13:30
    Paper Session 8

    Adaptive User Interfaces

    Chair: Marc Hesenius

  • 13:30

    MARLUI: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Point-and-Click UIs

    Thomas Langerak, Sammy Joe Christen, Berat Mert Albaba, Christoph Gebhardt, Christian Holz, Otmar Hilliges

  • 13:50

    Reinforcement Learning-Based Framework for the Intelligent Adaptation of User Interfaces

    Daniel Gaspar-Figueiredo, Marta Fernández-Diego, Ruben Nuredini, Silvia Abrahao, Emilio Insfran

  • 14:00

    Understanding Dementia Speech: Towards an Adaptive Voice Assistant for Enhanced Communication

    Yong Ma, Oda Elise Nordberg, Yuchong Zhang, Arvid Rongve, Miroslav Bachinski, Morten Fjeld

  • 14:10

    Closing & EICS 2025