Important Dates

All the dates are AoE

EICS Tutorials

  • Mar 12, 2024:Submission deadline
  • Apr 22, 2024:Notifications
  • Apr 30, 2024:Camera ready

Call for Tutorials

EICS'2024 invites proposals for tutorials on interactive systems engineering. Tutorials are intended to provide a broad overview of a topic beyond a regular paper presentation, inform and train the participants in new or interesting approaches of interactive systems engineering, or expand on new techniques, methods and processes that improve how complex interactive systems can be built. Potential presenters should keep in mind that there may be quite a varied audience, including PhD students, seasoned practitioners, and specialised researchers. Each tutorial proposal will be evaluated on its anticipated benefit for prospective participants and its fit within the tutorial program as a whole. Other factors to be considered include relevance to practice and to research, timeliness, importance, and audience appeal, as well as past experience and qualifications of the instructors. We want to stimulate and support the creation of reusable course materials, and provide a platform for presenters to distribute their instructional content, whilst providing participants and others a means to cite and refer to this work. Given the current circumstances, we might need to be able to switch to online tutorial sessions for which we will also provide additional support. Tutorial presenters should take this into consideration.

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Tutorial submissions

We will assign slots of a minimum 1 to maximum 3 hours for tutorials. If more time is needed tutorial presenters should include motivation for a longer tutorial. The proposal should include a description (maximum two pages of text and figures) of the proposed tutorial, accompanied by additional information on the proposers’ background and accompanied by some sample content that you would present if your tutorial were accepted (to be submitted in a separate PDF file). The description should contain the following information:

  • Title and abstract: Propose a title and an abstract that allows conference attendees to quickly and accurately understand the subject matter of the tutorial.
  • Aim and objectives: The overall aim of the tutorial and the concrete objectives to be achieved. Explain why your topic is important to the EICS community and what you hope the participants will learn by attending your tutorial.
  • Target audience: level (basic or advanced), and possible prerequisites.
  • Basic structure: specify the intended duration of the proposed tutorial and describe its planned structure (e.g. sequence of subtopics discussed during the tutorial).
  • Operational requirements: Please specify any requirements for your presentation apart from a PC projector (e.g., overhead transparency projector, audio equipment). References: Please provide references to papers, books, etc. that your tutorial builds on.
  • References: Please provide references to papers, books, etc. that your tutorial builds on.

Tutorial submissions will be selected by tutorial chairs, possibly supported by others. Authors of tutorial submissions will receive a light feedback on their proposals.

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Properly Formatting Citations

Authors are kindly requested to include references reporting the correct publication to facilitate the citation indexing, in particular for conferences publishing papers on journals such as PACM. For instance, a (fictional) full paper presented at EICS 2023 should be referenced as follows.

John Doe, Jane Smith. 2023. Enhancing User Experience in Interactive Systems. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 7, EICS, Article 123 (jun 2023), 16 pages,

Please do not refer to the paper as follows:

John Doe, Jane Smith. 2023. Enhancing User Experience in Interactive Systems. In Proc. of the 15th Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2023), 16 pages,

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